Addiction is a serious thing that affects not only the health, mind, and body of a person but also destroys a relationship and a family over time. With the initiative of our family members, we created a wide community group of people which primarily and importantly focuses on helping the people victim of addiction and their family and relatives all over the USA, spreading awareness, providing them the support they need, and help them recover themselves to become healthy again.

Our mission is to treat the opioid epidemic and alcoholism like we are fighting a war. To win a war you need to have the best tools, most educated prepared troops, the biggest backing, and passion. Our mission is to fight, battle and be able to provide the tools knowledge and help for those struggling. We want to end the stigma of addiction that is destroying so many families. We are committed to fighting this war no matter how long or how many obstacles we face.

Our goal is to support those struggling with addiction and the families of those struggling that do not have the means to get the help they need and deserve. Through donations, we get them the help they otherwise would not be able to receive. The people donating are saving lives and are giving them a chance to live. We assist in placement into detox rehab and any cost or down payment for a safe sober living home. We provide transport to treatment. We provide basic living needs and things they need to start their lives over, such as clothing toiletries bikes to get to and from their jobs. We also assist in finding them employment. Also if it is reasonable we assist with any medication for any person suffering from dual diagnosis and for any person involved in mat program (medically assisted treatment).

Richie Lapinski Junior is someone that went to high school and lived here in Monmouth County from the age of 15 into his mid-twenties, he was a long branch resident for a short period of that time. Long branch was where he was living when the sheriff's office caught him on Christmas Eve-in a snowstorm, he spent that night in the town jail in long branch and would be the beginning of a 3-year state prison sentence. Richie and his family were destroyed by drugs and addiction ...
“Addiction is a family disease, one person may use, but the entire family suffers.”
Prayer - Faith - Action
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